
I'm Anna.
I like puppies and Jesus.

August 2005
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September 2009

Friday, June 06, 2008
We're screwed.

My generation is going nowhere.

I look around at all of them, save a few, and am disappointed. Sure, they're all teenagers, and who would expect them to actually care about more than themselves and their friends?
I would.
In a world where so many horrible things are happening, everyone should care. Everyone should do their part to make this a better place.
Instead of worrying about what color to dye their hair, or what the new "scene" fashion is, maybe they should worry about what human beings are going to sleep hungry tonight. Maybe they should worry about what young children are dying in a genocide today. Maybe they should give a damn...
but they don't.
They all decide they want to "increase the peace" and that they want to make this world a better place, but I don't see any of them actually trying in the least, and it's disappointing.
For a generation that's uncaring and unmotivated, what's going to become of them?
When are they going to mature, shape up and start caring about more than themselves? Hopefully soon, because our country needs some major reform, and that's not going to happen unless they set an example for their community. However, most of them won't. They'll just keep going on their merry little way, taking myspace pixz with their BfFlZzZ and caring about what boii or grrrl is interested in them. TeEhEe!!!!
Seeing all of that makes me really proud of the few people I know that do care, and that do reach out to their community, because in the end, they're the ones that will make a difference. They're the ones who will have made their lives, and the lives of everyone around them better.
Thank you, intelligent and selfless teens of today. Maybe there is a tiny, minuscule ray of hope for America's future. Maybe. Keep making this world better.

Posted at 1:25 PM